Keep Your Kitchen Tidy with an Under Sink Trash Can-:Complete Guide

Do you ever get frustrated with your kitchen quickly filling up with trash and becoming an eyesore? With the help of an under sink trash can, you can easily keep your kitchen tidy and beautiful.

In this guide, we will help you to efficiently choose the best under sink trash cans ideal for your kitchen.

A kitchen can quickly become cluttered and disorganized when an unappealing trash can rests in the middle of the room. An excellent solution to this problem is an under sink trash can, which allows you to roll your garbage out of sight while still keeping it easily accessible.

Here, we’ll cover everything you need to know about how to pick the right under sink trash can for your kitchen, install it correctly and properly maintain it. Read on for a complete guide on how to select, install and care for an under sink trash can!

Importance of keeping a kitchen tidy

Having a kitchen that is clean and tidy ensures that your family is able to prepare healthy meals in a safe environment. An unkept kitchen can lead to hazards such as slips, falls, or the potential for food contamination. As it is the heart of the home, your kitchen should look presentable and welcoming to everyone who enters. One way of keeping a tidy kitchen is by investing in an under sink trash can which can help store garbage and minimize clutter. The under sink trash can provides several advantages such as:

1) Accessibility – Under sink trash cans are conveniently placed below your prep area so you do not need to reach outside for garbage disposal.

2) Odor Management – Ensuring that garbage does not accumulate aboveground helps eliminate odors around the house.

3) Cleanliness – Having an under sink trash can helps organize clutter and reduce buildup of dirt and grime from areas around the sink. It also prevents spills from accumulating on countertops or floors when disposing of waste material.

4) Safety – An under sink trash can helps keep children away from sharp objects like knives or other kitchen tools which may cause injury if accidentally left around the house.

Overview of under sink trash cans

An under sink trash can is an efficient and convenient way to keep your kitchen tidy. It is placed beneath the kitchen sink and is perfect for disposing of small kitchen scraps like food waste, paper towels, packaging, and more. It helps free up counter space, ensure quick disposal of waste items, and reduce odors in your kitchen.

Additionally, many of these under sink trash cans come with lid-activated sensors that open automatically when the lid is opened. This allows for sealed disposal of both recyclable and non-recyclable items, reducing odor and mess. Some have built-in carbon filters that capture more intrusive odors as you drop something into them.

Under sink trash cans generally come in two design varieties: pull out (or sliding) models or stationary style models. Pull out models are best for kitchens with limited counter space as they attach to a cabinet or shelf beneath the kitchen sink so you don’t have to leave the room to throw away scraps. Stationary style models are great for kitchens with plenty of counter space as they provide an easy place to collect crumbs and other items from cutting boards or recipes without having to lean over too far into the cabinet or shelf area beneath the sink. They can also be easier to keep clean since most feature removable liners that make emptying them a breeze!

Advantages of under sink trash cans

Under sink trash cans offer several advantages over other types of garbage bins. As they are smaller, they take up less space and can fit in tight places like cabinetry underneath sinks. This allows for a more discreet way to store your rubbish, freeing up counterspace and reducing mess.

Due to the sealed lids, these containers also help contain odors and their lids provide an additional level of protection against insects or rodents potentially entering your home. Lastly, you’ll never have to worry about your trash can tipping over as there are usually mountable brackets or other mounting materials in the package that keep it secure when affixed to the cabinet walls beneath the sink.

Space-saving design

Under sink trash cans offer the convenience of an out-of-sight waste solution. This means you’ll have no visual clutter in your kitchen and can keep the area looking neat and organized.

Installing an under sink trash can also free up precious counter space for more storage or workspace. An under sink trash can is a great option if you have limited storage space as it allows you to keep your cleaning supplies, trash bags, and other items hidden away.

Concealed appearance

Have you ever wished it was easier to tuck away your trash can in your kitchen? Opting for an under sink trash can is an excellent way to keep the kitchen area looking neat, while also ensuring a convenient location for discarded waste. With these concealing bins, homeowners have an added bonus of keeping all their garbage bags or cans tucked away from sight.

Under sink trash cans come in a range of styles and sizes, from pull-out and slide-out cabinets to single-bin containers. Many are designed with rear doors that give easy access to the hidden compartments and protect any unsightly garbage cans. Those who want a polished look may opt for larger, stylish options that fit snugly beneath their countertops and provide extra space for other essentials. Enclosed models in sleek finishes can help keep unpleasant odors at bay while adding a decorative element to any kitchen decor.

Additionally, mountable options are one of the easiest ways to show off organizational skills while reducing clutter. These types of hiding bins are also ideal when it comes time to empty or move them as they’re typically lighter and fit into awkward spots. Homeowners who want even more storage space can enjoy the added convenience of extra drawers built into some models of these cabinets and bins—perfect for organizing recycling materials!

 Factors to consider before choosing an under sink trash can

To find the best under sink trash can for your kitchen, there are several factors that you should take into account, such as size, capacity, material, shape, ease of emptying and cleaning. Below are some key considerations when selecting an ideal garbage bin for your needs.

Size: Generally the size of an under sink trash can should be two-thirds to three-quarters the length of the cabinet in which it is installed. Make sure to measure both length and width before you purchase a bin for your under sink.

Capacity: Pay attention to the capacity of the under sink trash can; a larger container can often provide greater convenience and less frequent trips to empty it. Furthermore, select a large enough model that fits well inside your cabinet without forcing you to make extra space modifications inside it.

Material: The material of an under sink trash can should be sturdy and tolerate exposure to wet conditions due to potential leaks or water overflow near or around it; stainless steel bins are usually the most durable in this regard but also more costly than other options such as recycled plastic containers or stronger varieties of molded plastic like polypropylene (PP) or polyethylene (PE). In addition, stainless steel does not absorb odors from food waste like other materials do.

Shape: The key point regarding the shape when selecting a bin is whether it fits through narrow doorways or passageways within cabinets where there may be structural elements blocking its entrance in its normal rectangular shape. In this case an array of slimline models may offer a viable solution as they usually feature ergonomic ‘J’ shaped cut-outs at either end allowing access through narrow areas with minimal modifications required on cabinets structure.

Ease of emptying and cleaning: Select an under sink trash can that features removable liners which facilitate both emptying and cleaning operations; these models make regular tasks such as sorting recyclables much easier in comparison with non-removable liners whereby all contents need to be emptied regardless before they are washed out correctly from underneath its base surface area.

Cabinet size

When selecting an under sink trash can, size is an important factor to consider. When choosing the best undersink trash can for your space, measure the inside of your cabinet or drawer to ensure that it fits snugly and comfortably without blocking any vital plumbing lines or obstructing any other items on the shelves.

Make sure there’s enough space between the bottom of the trash can and the floor of the cabinet to allow you to easily remove and replace it when necessary. Additionally, be aware that some garbage cans are not designed specifically for cabinets and may hang over a bit- make sure you have enough room for this before purchasing.

Cabinet material

The material of the cabinet you choose for your under-sink trash can is important, as it will determine the overall look and feel of your kitchen. Most cabinets are made from wood, but there are also more durable options like metal, stainless steel, and synthetic materials. Here is a brief overview of each type:

Wood: Wood is a classic choice for kitchen cabinets and provides a warm, traditional look. It is typically considered a higher-end material due to its durability and natural beauty. Many wood cabinets feature decorative carvings that elevate their aesthetic appeal even further. The downside to wood is that it does require more maintenance than other cabinet materials as it needs protection from moisture and humidity to maintain its condition over time.

Metal: Metal cabinets offer a contemporary look and feel, as well as being extremely strong and durable against wear and tear over time. While metal does have the potential to corrode if not properly treated or maintained on occasion, it can be an affordable option if you’re looking for something sleek and modern in style without breaking budget limitations.

Stainless steel: Stainless steel cabinets provide unparalleled durability and strength compared to other materials — perfect for heavy usage. Stainless steel is also an attractive material that adds elegance to any space in your kitchen or home environment. The only downside may be its price tag –– stainless steel can come with a substantial cost depending on the size you need or quality desired.

Synthetic materials: Resins, polymers, laminates are all synthetic materials widely used in making kitchen furniture today because they are available in a wide range of colors at wallet-friendly prices — perfect if you want easy maintenance with little effort needed! However synthetics won’t quite match up to the durability offered by many other types of cabinet material mentioned here.

Trash can size and capacity

When you start looking for an under sink trash can, you’ll find that there is quite a selection to choose from. Most are sold in standard sizes and capacities with smaller cans for shallow sink spaces and larger cans for deeper areas.

Smaller cans with a diameter of 8” – 10” provide around 4 – 8 gallons of capacity and fit nicely into shallow sinks or counter spaces. Larger cans are 10” – 12” in diameter and can contain up to 14 gallons of waste. Most trash cans also feature tall handles so they can easily be moved around the kitchen while collecting trash and recyclables.

If you plan on placing your can right next to the counter, make sure to look for one that has an ergonomic design so it won’t take up too much space yet can still hold multiple types of waste bins such as recyclables, regular garbage, compost, etc. With their space-saving design and versatile functionality, these under-sink trash cans are great additions to any busy kitchen!


A good under sink trash can can help you keep your kitchen organized, clean, and free of odors. They come in a variety of sizes and designs so you can find something that fits both your kitchen’s layout and your budget.

Consider all the features mentioned above when selecting the best under sink trash can for your needs. Pay attention to size, installation type, odor-fighting features, materials, and overall construction to ensure you get a product that will last for years.


How do you hide trash cans in the kitchen?

There are several ways to hide trash cans in the kitchen. One option is to use a pull-out trash can drawer that can be installed in a lower cabinet. Another option is to use a freestanding trash can that has a decorative exterior, such as a wicker basket or a wooden bin. You can also use a built-in trash can cabinet that is designed to blend in with the rest of your kitchen cabinetry.

Where should trash can go in kitchen?

The trash can in the kitchen should be placed in a convenient location that is easily accessible for anyone who needs to use it. One common location is near the sink, as this is where many food scraps and other waste are generated. Another option is to place the trash can in a pantry or cabinet, or even on the countertop if space is limited.

Where do you hide trash cans in a small kitchen?

In a small kitchen, it can be more challenging to find space to hide trash cans. One option is to use a slim trash can that can be placed in a narrow space between cabinets or appliances. Another option is to use a pull-out trash can drawer that can be installed in a lower cabinet. You can also consider using a built-in trash can cabinet that is designed to fit into a small space.

Can you put bins under a sink?

Yes, you can put bins under a sink if there is enough space. Under-sink bins can be a convenient way to keep trash out of sight and make use of otherwise wasted space. However, it is important to ensure that the bins are designed to fit the space and that they are made of materials that can withstand moisture and potential leaks.

How do you manage kitchen trash?

To manage kitchen trash, it is important to have a system in place for sorting and disposing of waste. This may include separating recyclable materials from non-recyclable waste, composting food scraps, and using a trash can with a secure lid to prevent odors and pests. It is also important to empty the trash can regularly and dispose of waste according to local regulations.

What can I use to hide my trash cans?

There are several options for hiding trash cans, including using a pull-out trash can drawer, a freestanding trash can with a decorative exterior, or a built-in trash can cabinet. You can also consider using a screen or partition to hide the trash can from view.

Can you keep a dustbin in the kitchen?

Yes, you can keep a dustbin in the kitchen. A dustbin can be a convenient way to dispose of dry waste such as paper and packaging materials. However, it is important to ensure that the dustbin is kept clean and that it is emptied regularly to prevent odors and pests.

Should a kitchen trash can have a lid?

It is recommended that a kitchen trash can have a lid to help contain odors and prevent pests from accessing the trash. A secure lid can also help to keep the kitchen clean and hygienic.

Why are kitchen trash cans so expensive?

The cost of a kitchen trash can can vary depending on the size, material, and features of the can. Some trash cans are designed to be more durable and long-lasting, while others may have additional features such as foot pedals or automatic opening mechanisms. In general, higher-quality trash cans may be more expensive due to their materials and construction.

How do you put a trash can drawer in a cabinet?

To install a trash can drawer in a cabinet, you will need to measure the dimensions of the cabinet and choose a drawer unit that fits those dimensions. You will then need to remove the existing cabinet door and hinges, and install the drawer unit and trash can according

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